How to Start Exercising for Beginners

It’s time to get fit. It’s not too late to make 2021 your healthiest year yet. The good news is that you can start right now, even if you’ve never exercised before – there are plenty of ways for beginners to get started with fitness!

In this article, I’ll share my tips on how to find the best workout for beginners and what equipment you need when starting out. I’ll also give some reasons why it’s important to stick with it – even when things don’t always feel fun or easy in the moment. You might be surprised by just how much exercise can do for you!

Exercise makes all your body parts stronger, including your heart, lungs, brain, muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Research has shown that individuals who exercise regularly have more energy and fewer aches and pains.

  • People who are physically active have a lower risk of dying compared with people who are inactive.
  • Exercise has been shown to reduce stress.
  • Adults who are physically active are more likely to maintain their weight loss than adults who do not exercise.
  • People who exercise regularly have stronger bones and muscles as they age.
  • Exercise can help reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, depression, and more.

What is the best workout for beginners and why

The best exercise for beginners is what you enjoy doing the most and what you’ll keep doing. If you need help coming up with a list of things to do, ask yourself:

  • What would I like to do if I didn’t care about how much it took or how hard it was?
  • What would I want to do if I had no limits?

Doing something is better than doing nothing! All it takes to be healthier is 20 minutes of moderate exercise for most adults.

After a long hiatus from exercising, it’s normal to feel unmotivated or even a little intimidated when starting again. However, focusing on small milestones – like going for a walk every day for just 10 minutes, or trying to do better than yesterday on the treadmill – can likely help get you back into the groove of exercising regularly.

Don’t worry about your size or weight at first. If you’re used to being inactive and aren’t accustomed to moving around much, it might be hard not to feel discouraged when you can’t lift a dumbbell or jog for an entire mile your first time out. It’s natural to have setbacks and it’s also normal for it to feel hard in the moment.

Don’t be afraid of making a fool of yourself, either! Everyone starts from somewhere, so don’t worry about being perfect at everything.

Exercise might not always feel fun or easy, but it is so worth it. Even if you can’t do everything at first, just pick something and try to do your best. You’ll soon notice that the feeling of accomplishment makes all those difficult moments worth it.

It’s really important to stick with things even when they seem hard. That way, you’ll see results and hopefully start to like exercise more and more as time goes on!

Tips for finding the right workout routine

It is important to consider the duration of the workout routine that you will be doing before you start. You should not plan to go from never exercising to exercising for hours on end. Similarly, if you have been used to a long-term routine, it might not be a good idea for your body to all of a sudden change it up with a shorter routine.

Consider what exercises you will be doing and plan out which ones will take more or less time so that your workout is properly structured and there are no setbacks.

It can be challenging when it comes to sticking with your routine for an extended period of time. One way to combat the difficulty in this area is by making workouts different but still fun, while also varying how often you do them.

For example, try working out at a different time of day each day or cycle your exercises so that you have a little break from the same activity every now and again!

A good idea for workouts is to always include some form of stretching as part of it. Stretching before and after a workout can help reduce the risk of injuries and is necessary for good overall health.

After your workout, it is essential to consider what you will eat. People often neglect this part of the routine, but it is crucial that you start thinking about what nutrients your body needs most after a workout so that you can provide yourself with the best possible resources.

Remember: If at first, you don’t succeed, try again. It’s not easy to stay on track with your workout routine but it is definitely worth the effort!

Equipment needed when starting out

The first thing you need to get started with exercise is an exercise mat. It’s not necessary, but it will make you want to work out more! You can find one at any sporting goods store or Walmart.

You should also purchase some light weights (5-10 pounds) and maybe a jump rope.

Once you’ve decided what types of exercises you want to start with, your equipment list will be complete.

Types of exercise for beginners

It’s never too late to get started exercising, even if you have some physical issues. It may not be the same as working out with a personal trainer on equipment that was built especially for your body type, but it will work!

Here are some ideas on easy things to do so that you can get started off on the right foot:

1) Walking – walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise, and a great way to start exercising if you’ve never done it before! You can walk alone or with friends or family, try to go further every time, take a new path each time you’re out for your walk, and if you don’t have any good places to walk around you, try out a treadmill at your local gym.

2) Stretching – stretching is generally the first thing that people do when they get up and start their day because it can be done in bed or even while lying on the couch! It’s great because it doesn’t require any special equipment and it’s low impact so even if you have joint issues or other problems, you can start with this.

3) Swimming – another easy way to get started is by finding out what your local gym offers in terms of swimming options. You may just want to go for a casual swim after work or before dinner, or you might want to join a club for serious swimmers.

4) Yoga – yoga is great because it’s low impact, involves many different types of movements that are good for beginners, and it feels really good! It can even be done in bed!

5) Try out the exercise ball instead of a desk chair by sitting on one at home or at work. It will force you to sit up straight and be active, which is way better for your body than just sitting down all the time!

Remember to take it easy when trying out new things – don’t push yourself too hard or strain anything. It’s also important not to skip leg day, but that’s a whole other article…

Here are some additional basic exercises you should try. While many may seem simple, they can be harder than you think!

  • pushups
  • sit-ups
  • squats
  • jumping jacks
  • running in place

Why it’s important to stick with things even when they’re hard or not fun

Keep it up. It can be hard to start exercising and to keep going, but it’s worth it. I’ve found that the more you do things like this (exercising, cooking healthy meals, etc), the easier and more natural it becomes to do them.

This has been true for me: at first, I had to force myself to go for a run every day, but now I want to go everywhere.

You just need to find ways that work for you – what helps you stay committed and how you stay motivated.

Reasons why exercise can do a lot for you, including your health and happiness!

The only thing better than the taste of success is the feeling of success.

Success fills you with energy, causes your mood to brighten, and can push people to want more. All this accompanies exercising – making it not only great for your health but for your happiness as well!

Here are 5 reasons that exercise can do a lot for you:

1) Exercise is good for weight loss because sustained physical activity will help you burn calories more efficiently over time.

2) It helps prevent premature death by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels while boosting mobility and preventing diseases like a heart attack or stroke.

3) Regular exercise leads to lower rates of anxiety by increasing brain serotonin levels- which promotes relaxation – so even if someone is an introvert, exercising can help them feel at ease.

4) It can make you more attractive by increasing self-confidence and boosting your mood.

5) Exercise is the single best way to combat stress, which may lead to lower rates of depression due to the fact that people are able to handle life’s problems better when they are less anxious.


Regardless of your skill level, age, or any other factor that might be holding you back from exercise- it’s never too late to start.

This blog post has provided tips and advice for starting small and building up over time so that exercising becomes a seamless part of your life – no matter how busy you are!

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